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„Refugees and Queers.“

A conference at the intersection of LGBTIQ*s and Refugees/Migration/Asylum in Germany

The conference will take place on November 26th 2016 from 10 am to 7.30 pm at the Deutsche Hygiene Museum in Dresden.

This conference addresses opportunities and challenges that arise at the intersection of queer and migrant studies. It brings together researchers, academics and activists working in the fields of LGBTIQ* and refugee/migration/asylum-policies. We will discuss ethical questions on participatory research, on speaking with instead of on behalf of queer refugees, as well as on how to develop useful advice for policymakers.

The conference-language will be German, but English-translations (and if needed Arabic and Farsi) will be provided.

Travel grants for refugees available, please contact Felicitas Grabow: felicitas.grabow[at]mh-stiftung.de.

Further information and registration: http://mh-stiftung.de/projekte/lsbttiq-fluchtmigrationasyl/
