Bust of Magnus Hirschfeld
Bust of Magnus Hirschfeld

Initial project funding for the network „Vielfalt macht Schule“ and the exhibition „Trans*_Homo“ + + + Nationwide call to action to mark the „Day Against Homo-and Transphobia“ (May 17) + + + „Hirschfeld Days“ from May to June together with LSVD in Berlin

Berlin (2012/03/28). The Magnus Hirschfeld Foundation has granted its first two requests for funding: First, it is supporting the creation and development of a nationwide network of 39 school education projects called „Vielfalt macht Schule“ („Diversity in Schools“). And second, it is supporting the exhibition „Trans*_Homo. Von lesbischen trans*schwulen und anderen Normalitäten“ (17 August to 19 November 2012) at the Schwules Museum in Berlin. The Foundation thus begins its funding activities. The Chair of the Foundation wishes to emphasize of how important the topics of school education and the integration of trans* and intersex people are to him.

The Foundation, in cooperation with the magazine „Blu“, has made a call for grant applications for actions before or on 17 May to mark the „International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia“. For more information, please visit

Jörg Litwinschuh, Executive Director of the Foundation:
„This year we will focus on supporting projects that deal with the investigation of discrimination and persecution of homosexuals under the Nazis. This includes working with the Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and the memorials of the former concentration camps, and the securing and retention of documents such as court records and eyewitness accounts from different regions of Germany. In the field of education, in 2012 the Foundation will primarily support model and networking projects. This will be complemented by diversity modules on the subject of sexual identity in the context of education at educational establishments. For this purpose, the Foundation will also work together with DAX-listed corporations such as Deutsche Post DHL and Deutsche Telekom. “

From 7 May to 26 June, the Magnus Hirschfeld Foundation, together with the Lesbian and Gay Association of Berlin-Brandenburg (LSVD) e.V. in Berlin will host the „Hirschfeld Days“ (all events from mid-April at www.hirschfeld-tage.de). The Foundation and the LSVD Berlin-Brandenburg will present the program and its cooperation partners for this series of events in a joint press conference in April. A ceremony will take place on 24 May at 6:30pm at the Centrum Judaicum in Berlin: The Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ) Dr. Max Stadler will deliver the central speech for the „Hirschfeld Days“ on this evening. In discharging its statutory duties, the Foundation is represented by the BMJ (information about the Board of Trustees: http://mh-stiftung.de/en/statute/).