The assets of the Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld are based on its principles of asset management. The value of the invested assets is invested as shown in the graphic.

Investment strategy

The foundation assets have been managed since the second quarter of 2020 by HONORIS Treuhand GmbH; it replaced the longstanding manager, avesco Financial Services AG.
In the context of the guidelines of the principles of asset management of the Foundation, HONORIS handles the regular supervision and reporting to the Managing Director. In addition, the asset structure is rendered successively less prone to risk.

Goals and criteria of the asset investment

The asset investment of the Foundation is long term and oriented to preservation of capital. Apart from the profitable investment of the assets, aspects such as the sustainability of the investments and avoiding investments in states with homophobic criminal law must be taken into account in the context of the investment guidelines.

Asset investment

The asset investment was previously subdivided into two segments, the segment of listed security investments and the segment of direct investments in different asset classes, such as private equity, logistics, sustainable energy generation and the real estate sector. These investments were in part also made via fund solutions or the award of subordinated loans.
The consideration of sustainability aspects took and takes pride of place in both segments.
Currently, about 62 percent of the assets are invested in the securities investment segment while about 38 percent are accordingly tied up in other investments. In future, the securities segment will further increase due to direct investments falling due and due to new investments in liquid assets.

The Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld (BMH) takes part in the transparent civil society initiative.