Why you should donate to the Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld
The Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld is also dependent on donations to be able to achieve its ambitious goals. By making a contribution, you ensure that through knowledge, education and research…
- the National Socialist persecution of homosexuals is remembered,
- the life and work of Magnus Hirschfeld and the life and social lifeworlds of homosexual men and women who lived and live in Germany are the subject of academic research and presentation and
- social discrimination of homosexual men and women in Germany is counteracted.
Our bank details
Our bank details at GLS Bank are:
IBAN: DE29 4306 0967 1219 0024 00
Important: please state the intended purpose
Important: Please state an earmark for your donation for your remittance in the field intended purpose, e.g.:
- Travelling exhibition >endangered living<
- Archive of Other Memories
- Queer diversity in sport
- Remembrance of Magnus Hirschfeld
- Participation of refugees
Do you need a donation receipt?
Please also state in the intended purpose whether you would like to have a donation receipt (e.g. “Request donation receipt”). In this case, please also add your first name and surname, street, street no., postal code and city. Up to a donation amount of 100 euros, the tax authorities acknowledge the remittance slip of the payer as a donation certificate. If a donation receipt is desired in the case of a higher amount, asking us for a donation receipt in a brief letter (e.g. e-mail to info@mh-stiftung.de) is advisable.
Service note: the Federal Ministry of Justice provides general information about the subject of inheritance and bequeathals in a compact 52-page brochure.
We are a charitable organisation.
The Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld was classified as charitable by the Tax Office for Corporations I Berlin with its decision of 5.5.2023: the Foundation serves exclusively and directly tax-privileged charitable purposes in the meaning of Sections 51 ff German Tax Code and is one of the corporations designated in Section 5 (1) no. 9 Corporation Tax Act (KStG).
Any questions?
Then please feel free to confidentially contact our Managing Director Helmut Metzner.