Gert Christian Südel (* 1951 ; † 2014) was a trans activist and pioneer. He founded what was probably the first association after the Second World War, engaged in publicity and networking activities, published several circulars and had a decisive influence on the history of trans people in Germany. Without his commitment and idealism, the history of trans-sexuality in Germany would have been decidedly different.

Establishment of the TS Work Group
In the summer of 1972, Gert Christian Südel decided together with a few others to found the “TS Work Group- interest community for transsexuals and transvestites”, which as far is known today was the first association of trans people in Germany after the Second World War. This group had existed informally since 1968 and was composed of all the contacts he had been able make up to this point. In discussions he conducted regularly with Volkmar Sigusch at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), he discovered that many trans people had problems, were socially ostracised and there were no information bodies. Even such low-threshold information regarding shops for ladies’ shoes in outsizes, wigs or quite general opportunities to meet the like-minded, did not exist. Since his road to transition had to that point proceeded very advantageously and he also had his best friend Tommy on whom he could always rely, he wanted to put other people into the same supportive situation and provide them with a social home. At the time, Gert was very impressed by how trans people had mutually trained and hardened themselves in night life. Above all, he admired the humour with which they made light of many oppressive situations. It was not an easy life but rather characterised by great hardship.
Gert Christian Südel, 1972“We want to contribute to each transvestite being able to find a way out of his or her isolation. Out of isolation in which there are no advice facilities, no opportunity to speak openly and no understanding in their environment.”
A first magazine for the community?
Gert Christian Südel authored a first periodical together with three other people as initial information material and thereby as far as we know today, the first information material altogether in German made available to those affected. He also posted these so-called “manuscripts” nationally. No precise list of the recipients has been preserved but it can be assumed that he probably sent them to all the interested parties, friends and acquaintances he had got to know in Europe. He was inspired in this regard by the US magazine Drag, which Angie Stardust had brought back from her trips to New York and distributed to friends and acquaintances in Germany. Moreover, an incomplete linoleum printing plate is preserved in his estate, which may in all probability have been a first draft cover for a TS newspaper. Unfortunately, one can no longer clearly determine whether it is incomplete because work on the TS newspaper was halted prematurely or a different piece of artwork was selected.

“The vicious circle of a transsexual”
Gert Christian Südel, estate Lili Elbe Archive.
Founding of BETSI e.V.
Advice Centre for Transsexuals – Information Service
Gert Christian Südel rented a loft flat in the home of his grandparents because his TS Work Group was becoming increasingly well-known and he had received transsexual people there from half Europe. They also spent the night there with him in part and the closeness to the farm of his parents was also very practical for larger meetings and joint evenings. It was well-known in the village that Gert Christian Südel had advised transsexual people. It was such a small village that whenever someone looked around a little uncertainly, seemed to be lost and could not be quite clearly assigned to one gender, people said, “Ah, you’re probably looking for Mr Südel. Take the first right and then left.” People also treated his visitors very well in the local shops.
There were above all transsexual women who felt inhibited about going out in dresses and similar clothing. He regularly practised with them everywhere in the village. He staged photo sessions with them, for example, where they were in front of and behind the camera. Behind the camera, they could feel concealed and forget that anyone might look at them.
This also offered a diversion from their own perception, since they could focus their attention on other things and the burden of stress could be reduced in these unfamiliar new situations. At the time, this was extremely helpful for them. He also went shopping with his guests and the village baker always had charming compliments for them. Sometimes he said, “Oh, you’ve got a great voice. Almost like Amanda Lear.” This had a very positive effect on the self-effectiveness sensation of the women and they went home happy every time.
During this period, the political work continued to increase and Gert Christian Südel felt the time had come for professionalization. He reached agreements with all committed and interested parties via the circulars. They initially determined 03 and 04.12.1977 as the date for the founding meeting. In one circular, Gert then inquired about interest in travel and overnight stays, since many people would travel there from outside Hamburg.
Due to the great interest in the founding of BETSI e.V. and also due to the unexpectedly high number of responses exceeding his expectations, Gert Christian Südel moved the date to 15.01.1978 on organisational grounds. The period in BETSI e.V. was characterised overall by the negotiations about the Transsexual Act. At the same time Gert Christian continued to organise photo sessions and found people for articles in various newspapers.

Artwork of BETSI e.V.
The road to faith
When his then relationship broke up, he felt as if he was 30 and could do with a little more steadiness in his life. Up to then, his life had always been very spontaneous and instable. He hopped from one relationship to the next and sometimes also in the middle of the night from one hotel room to the other. He no longer found this fulfilling. He increasingly turned away from his adventures and towards inner values. In short, it was time for a new beginning. He also withdrew from his association. His activist period was over and he had nothing against other people founding some or other groups and getting organised. He retired from activism with a clear conscience and did not regret this decision. After all, he had contributed to the Transsexual Act and as a result achieved more for all transsexual people than anyone else before or after him. For him, this was a pleasant way of ending his commitment. In the following years, he occupied himself with increasing intensity with his Christian faith and to the end of his life remained a committed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
- Trauthwein, Niki. 2019. “Wege aus der Isolation – Emanzipatorische Bestrebungen und strukturelle Organisation in den Jahren 1945 bis 1980,” in: Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Verbraucherschutz und Antidiskriminierung Berlin, Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung – gegen Diskriminierung (ed.): Auf nach Casablanca? Lebensrealitäten transgeschlechtlicher Menschen zwischen 1945 und 1980, Vol. 37. Berlin, pp. 53–68.
- Trauthwein, Niki. 2020. Peter Pan in Hamburg: Gert-Christian Südel: Transpionier, Aktivist und Überlebenskünstler, series: Gender-Diskussion, Vol. 33, Berlin: Lit Verlag.
- Trauthwein, Niki. 2019. “Wege aus der Isolation – Emanzipatorische Bestrebungen und strukturelle Organisation in den Jahren 1945 bis 1980,” in: Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Verbraucherschutz und Antidiskriminierung Berlin, Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung – gegen Diskriminierung (ed.): Auf nach Casablanca? Lebensrealitäten transgeschlechtlicher Menschen zwischen 1945 und 1980, Vol. 37. Berlin, pp. 53–68. Trauthwein, Niki. 2016. “Trans*-Community-Zeitschriften.
Trauthwein, Niki. 2017. “Biographische Skizzen geschlechtlicher Identität,” in: Loccumer Pelikan, No. 1/2017, pp. 45–47 and Trauthwein, Niki. “Pamphlete als Bildungsort,” in: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 124–129.