In Baden-Württemberg, research on the reappraisal of the life worlds, repression and persecution of LSBTIQ* people in the German south-west during the period of National Socialism and Federal Republic of Germany has begun. The project involves cooperation of the University of Stuttgart, the Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld and the Institute of Contemporary History Munich. The first research module, which is now getting under way, investigates the life worlds and persecution fates of homosexual men, who were persecuted, imprisoned and murdered based on Sections 175 and 175a due to their sexual orientation.
The persecution of homosexual men during the NS period as well as its continuity in the Federal Republic, remain as before under-researched. The project aims to close a large research gap in the German south-west, make LSBTIQ* history visible and send an important political signal for the acknowledgement of sexual diversity. The goal is coming to terms comprehensively with the persecution, focusing on the experiences of the victims. Two further research modules are investigation of the institutional side of the persecution and research into the life worlds and repression experiences of lesbian women and trans- and intersexual people. The research results are published regularly online via a pre-running project and discussed with the affected and interested parties.
Specialist conference “Late reappraisal”

The specialist conference “Late reappraisal. Life worlds and persecution of LSBTTIQ people in the German south-west” will take place from 27 to 28 June 2016 in Bad Urach in the Reutlingen district. This event involves cooperation between the State Agency for Political Education in Baden-Württemberg, the Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld, the University of Stuttgart, the Institute of Contemporary History Munich-Berlina and the LSBTTIQ Network Baden-Württemberg.
The historical life realities and especially the persecution of non-heterosexual men will be comprehensively presented in the context of the specialist conference with the cooperation of the historians working on the project and representatives of the LSBTIQ* community. Moreover, the opportunity will exist in various working groups to discuss central questions in more depth and prepare approaches for communication concepts and special problems.
Brigitte Lösch, Landtag representative, Vice President of the Landtag of Baden-Württemberg gives the welcoming address at the event in the Haus auf der Alb (photo: Gerd Jütten).
- Conference flyer (PDF)
With a schedule and information on all speakers and podium participants. - Registration form (PDF)
Registration and participation are free for multipliers, the costs for accommodation and meals are covered by the State Center for Political Education. Travel costs will not be reimbursed.