A Qualitative Exploration of the Premigration Victimization Experiences of Sexual and Gender Minority Refugees and Asylees in the United States and Canada
Queer Refugees. Erzählungen vom dunklen Ende des Regenbogens
Racializing Homophobia: Tracing Sexual Political Discourse within Europe’s “Refugee Crisis” in Berlin
Fluchtgrund sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität: Auswirkungen von heteronormativem Wissen auf die Asylverfahren LGBTI-Geflüchteter
What does a ‘genuine lesbian’ look like? Intersections of sexuality and ‘race’ in Manchester’s Gay Village and in the UK asylum system
Sexual Citizenship and Migration in a Transnational Perspective
‘The darkest times of my life’: Recollections of child abuse among forced migrants persecuted because of their sexual orientation and gender identity
Effektiver Schutz vor geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt – auch in Flüchtlingsunterkünften
Experiences of Faith for Gender Role Non-Conforming Muslims in Resettlement: Preliminary Considerations for Social Work Practitioners
Specialist articles, legal sources and handouts on the topic of LGBTIQ* and flight
Freely accessible
Article type
A Qualitative Exploration of the Premigration Victimization Experiences of Sexual and Gender Minority Refugees and Asylees in the United States and Canada
Queer Refugees. Erzählungen vom dunklen Ende des Regenbogens
Racializing Homophobia: Tracing Sexual Political Discourse within Europe’s “Refugee Crisis” in Berlin
Fluchtgrund sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität: Auswirkungen von heteronormativem Wissen auf die Asylverfahren LGBTI-Geflüchteter
What does a ‘genuine lesbian’ look like? Intersections of sexuality and ‘race’ in Manchester’s Gay Village and in the UK asylum system
Sexual Citizenship and Migration in a Transnational Perspective
‘The darkest times of my life’: Recollections of child abuse among forced migrants persecuted because of their sexual orientation and gender identity
Effektiver Schutz vor geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt – auch in Flüchtlingsunterkünften
Experiences of Faith for Gender Role Non-Conforming Muslims in Resettlement: Preliminary Considerations for Social Work Practitioners