Geschlechtsspezifische Rechte im Asylverfahren – LSBTI*-Personen
Crossing borders between International Refugee Law and International Human Rights Law in the European context: Can human rights enhance protection against persecution based on sexual orientation (and beyond)?
Queer Asylum in Germany: Better visibility and access to legal and social support needed for LGBTQI+ people seeking asylum in Germany
Queeres Asyl in Deutschland: Bessere Sichtbarkeit und besserer Zugang zu rechtlicher und sozialer Unterstützung für LSBTQI* Geflüchtete
Determining Transgender: Adjudicating Gender Identity in U.S. Asylum Law
Mental illness and resilience among sexual and gender minority refugees and asylum seekers
Unaccompanied Children Claiming Asylum on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Forced (Queer) migration and everyday violence: The geographies of life, death, and access in Cape Town
Assessing reported cases of sexual and gender-based violence, causes and preventive strategies, in European asylum reception facilities
Specialist articles, legal sources and handouts on the topic of LGBTIQ* and flight
Freely accessible
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